Genealogical Society of South Brevard County Florida
Genealogical Society of South Brevard
Genealogical Society of
South Brevard
P.O. Box 786
Melbourne, Florida
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Maxie Brannon Cemetery
(South Brevard County)
Palm Bay Rd. NE (CR 516)
Palm Bay 32905, FL USA
Church/Cemetery Website:  NONE
GPS Coordinates:  Lat: 28.03492, Long: -80.65054
This cemetery is enclosed by a chain-link fence with a gate facing Palm Bay Road that is usually unlocked. The only two visible headstones are of Moses and Myrtle Richardson, grandchildren of Maxfield Brannon, for whom the cemetery is named. There are an estimated total of up to 30 graves within this cemetery but no exact number is known.  It is located along Palm Bay Rd. NE, about 150 yards east of I-95 before the corner of Bass Pro Dr. NE. 
Maxie Brannon Cemetery (courtesy Google Maps 2021)