Genealogical Society of South Brevard County Florida
Genealogical Society of South Brevard
Genealogical Society of
South Brevard
P.O. Box 786
Melbourne, Florida

GSSB Surname Database

Welcome to the GSSB Surname database.   This is a tool that allows people a way to search for common surnames and to contact the GSSB member who is researching that name. 
  • To search our database:                                                                        
Instructions for surname searching
  • To enter your surnames in the database
    • Only GSSB members can add,change or delete surnames so others can connect with you.  People will contact you through the website and will not be given your personal email address.  
    • When entering surnames, you may list them however you would like but for best web search-ability, it is recommend to create single line items when info changes – for example:

DeRythre | England | 1445 | 1785 (Alt. Spelling: Ryder, Rider)
Ryder | New England | USA | 1650 | 1980 | (Alt. Spelling: Rider)
Ryder | Midwest | USA | 1955 | 1995
Ryder | Tennessee| USA | 1995 |

  • You enter Your Surname Data From Your Profile Page. 
  • Login to the GSSB website.       
  • Go to your "My Profile" page (In menu under MEMBERS)
  • Click on the "Surnames" tab
  • Click the "+" icon on right side to enter surname data
Click here for detailed information about the Surname system:  SURNAME DATABASE INFORMATION SHEET