GSSB Surname Database
Welcome to the GSSB Surname database. This is a tool that allows people a way to search for common surnames and to contact the GSSB member who is researching that name.
- To search our database:
- To enter your surnames in the database
- Only GSSB members can add,change or delete surnames so others can connect with you. People will contact you through the website and will not be given your personal email address.
- When entering surnames, you may list them however you would like but for best web search-ability, it is recommend to create single line items when info changes – for example:
DeRythre | England | 1445 | 1785 (Alt. Spelling: Ryder, Rider)
Ryder | New England | USA | 1650 | 1980 | (Alt. Spelling: Rider)
Ryder | Midwest | USA | 1955 | 1995
Ryder | Tennessee| USA | 1995 |
- You enter Your Surname Data From Your Profile Page.
- Login to the GSSB website.
- Go to your "My Profile" page (In menu under MEMBERS)
- Click on the "Surnames" tab
- Click the "+" icon on right side to enter surname data