Genealogical Society of South Brevard County Florida
Genealogical Society of South Brevard
Genealogical Society of
South Brevard
P.O. Box 786
Melbourne, Florida


The Genealogical Society of South Brevard (GSSB)  helps anyone interested in the study, discovery, and documentation of family history, lineage, and ancestry.  We are committed to provide literary, educational, and research opportunities, support and resources to our members and the public.  GSSB owns and operates an extensive genealogy research library in the Melbourne Public Library, where we provide monthly educational programs, workshops, seminars, and research classes. We also offer access to several subscription research websites for patrons in the Family History Room. 
The French & Canadian Heritage Society operates under the GSSB as a Special Interest Group. The Society also sponsors four other Special Interest Groups, including a Family History Writers group, British Isles Research group, Mayflower Society research group, and now a DNA Genetic Genealogy research special interest group.  All of these groups typically meet monthly. There is also a publishing committee that develops and produces the quarterly GSSB Bulletin. 
There are many benefits to membership and we invite you to become a member of GSSB.

Operating Year: January - December 2025

President: Ms. Yolanda Lifter
Treasurer: Donna R Rafanello
Vice-President (vacant): Vacant
Recording Secretary: Mrs. Marie Bowles
Board Members (Incl. Officers)
President/Programs/Education: Ms. Yolanda Lifter
Finance / Treasurer: Donna R Rafanello
Bulletin (vacant): Vacant
Records-Minutes / Secretary: Mrs. Marie Bowles
Website/Archives/Policy: Stan S Barber
Membership: Margie Ann Hughes
FaceBk/Flyers/French Canadian: Mrs. Peg Sharon Pappelardo
Library Operations: Mr. David Locke Bishop
Library Operations: Ms. Bonnie Zimmer
Tidbits: Mr. Doug Burnett
Website/Email/Archives/Soc Med: Paul McKnight
Member At-Large: Ms. Leatha I. Bourne
Member At-Large: Ms. Eileen W. Donlan
Member At-Large: Mr. John Graham
Member At-Large: Pat Rosenthal
GSSB Bulletin Publishing Committee
Yolanda Lifter, Marie Bowles, Stan Barber,
Cathy McArthur, Fran Reid, John Cunningham,
Kelen Prutow, Steve Snell

The Genealogical Society of South Brevard was founded in 1974, incorporated in 1980 as a Florida Not For Profit corporation, and has also been classified as a Not for Profit organization pursuant to section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Service code.

NOTICE:  Because the Genealogical Society of South Brevard, Inc. solicits donations as a Florida Non-Profit Organization, a copy of the official registration and financial information for the society (REGISTRATION NO. CH25181), may be obtained from the Division of Consumer Services by calling Toll-Free 1-800-435-7352 within the State of Florida or by visiting Florida Consumer Services, or by using the online check-a-charity tool. State registration to solicit donations does not imply endorsement, approval, or recommendation by the State of Florida. The Genealogical Society of South Brevard, Inc. receives 100% of all contributions and donations and does not employ a third party fund raising organization. All fundraising is provided by non-compensated member volunteers. 
GSSB is designated as a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Corporation by the
U. S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS), and as such, contributions may be tax deductible