SEARCHES: Search all records, or filter your search to a specific cemetery, region, and surname. Click the above link to return to individual cemetery listings where you will find additional information, overviews and maps of each cemetery.
INTERMENT RECORD: Once you find a name match in your searched index listing, click the EYEBALL icon next to the record for more details. Not all available data is shown in the index listing, and the full record may provide more detail, and can be printed.
CLEAR THE SEARCH: Click the BROOM icon beside the search box to clear the current search parameter.
BREVARD COUNTY: Brevard County, Florida is a long, and narrow county along the coast of the Atlantic Ocean. The geographic boundaries of the county have changed significantly since its founding. The county is named for Judge Theodore W. Brevard, an early settler, and state comptroller. The official county seat has been located in Titusville since 1894, although most of the county's administration is performed from Viera.
The Genealogical Society of South Brevard currently only offers complete online cemetery records from the Eau Gallie and Melbourne City cemeteries. We are working to offer more in the future, however, listings include useful details, overviews and partial interment records of the cemeteries around Brevard County.
Local Genealogy Societies: There are three 3 Genealogical Societies in Brevard County which may be useful in locating cemetery or interment information based on region:
GSSB - Genealogy Society of South Brevard
in Melbourne ( - This website
BGS - Brevard Genealogical Society
GSNB - Genealogical Society of North Brevard