GSSB Tid BitsMembers of the GSSB receive an email publication called Tid Bits. This publication provides timely notices and reminders of upcoming events, programs, and genealogy opportunities.
The "Tid Bits" email is released roughly as a monthly publication, but occasionally is published more often when especially important information needs to be announced. It's primary purpose is to provide information on genealogical happenings in Central Florida, including information on webinars that may be of interest, genealogical articles, web site links, and databases available via the internet. But Tid Bits also contains short articles on good genealogical practices and reference materials recommended for both beginners and the serious genealogist.
This publication comes directly to you as an email and gives everyone up-to-date information, including news of current genealogical interest or helpful notices for members. All you need to do is be a member and have email capability. We do the rest from there.
As a member, this is a great benefit you will certainly appreciate!
Here is a sample of what a Tid Bits looks like.