Genealogical Society of South Brevard County Florida
Genealogical Society of South Brevard
Genealogical Society of
South Brevard
P.O. Box 786
Melbourne, Florida
New Membership

(other methods on Membership Benefits page)
First, select below whether this is an Individual or Household membership  (a second person living at the same address can be included in a Household membership at no additional charge)...
...then click "Next."
Membership Plan:
Select Membership Plan:
Membership Plans Offered:
Plan Name For Maximum Associated Members Annual Fee Partial Year Description
Individual Person(s) 1 $26.50 Beginning September 2, the remainder of the year is included with the next full year's membership. Individual membership. $26.50 online, $25 check or cash.
Household Person(s) 2 $26.50 Beginning September 2, the remainder of the year is included with the next full year's membership. Household (two people, same address). $26.50 online, $25 check or cash.
Societies Organization 5 $26.50 Beginning September 2, the remainder of the year is included with the next full year's membership. This membership is for historical or genealogical societies that wish to be members of GSSB.